Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Recommendations to the UN

There are five major problems in Ethiopia: poverty, hunger, lack of education, an unsafe environment, and treatment of women. These problems will only be exacerbated by a surge in population growth. Population growth can only be curbed if people have fewer babies. One way for people to have fewer babies is to use birth control. Therefore, one of the first things I would recommend to help rectify problems in Ethiopia is a massive birth control education and distribution campaign. This will be difficult because 84 percent of Ethiopia's population is rural (PRB); reaching rural populations is more difficult. Also, only 14 percent of women use modern methods of birth control (PRB). Because the use of birth control is not very widespread, it may be difficult to integrate the use of birth control into Ethiopian life. However, a massive campaign would certainly help.

The second recommendation we provide is for the UN to provide more schools in rural areas and special literacy programs for girls and young women. The reason for these programs is to help increase literacy and close the literacy gap between men and women in hopes of achieving the Millennium Development Goal of gender equality.

The third recommendation I would make to the UN is a massive distribution of emergency food supplies to the starving in Ethiopia. This distribution should be paired with an education campaign to help implement more effective agriculture techniques to help Ethiopia feed itself. Hunger is one of Ethiopia's most pressing problems; ending hunger is a Millennium Development Goal that could be tackled through both short-term and long-term methods.